Just realized how long it has been since my last post - September 2012; ouch that is over 4 years!
I would like to say that I have been busy inventing something new, but really I have just been busy at work and home, getting on with life. Thats not to say that I haven’t done anything interesting, however I just haven’t got round to writing any of it down here.
A few of the interesting things I have worked on in this timeframe:
- Sencha ExtJS
- Writing a new UI wrapper for our product
- This makes use of the ExtJS 6 Classic to target desktop and tablets. There is no real requirement to support the product on phones.
- Creating an package to host social media interactions
- Facebook Integration
- Reading an writing to Facebook pages to provide social media interaction
- Twitter Integration
- Exchange Integration using Exchange Web Services (EWS)
- Writing a service component to pull emails from Exchange, providing centralized management
- Signal R sitting ontop of Redis
- Providing real time updates to connected clients
I should try to write-up something on these in the near future.